Saturday, January 3, 2009

China Experiences...

Till now i still havent got any pics yet, so sorry about tat... hehe.. My experiences in there is was wow it was incredible... haha.. Coz i can go to other country that is quite far from M'sia... The culture is totally different from the M'sia culture and of coz there was bad and good la... Firstly we talk about food, got nice and some very disgusting... The nice food include the bamboo sticky rice, 'bing tong wu lou', muttons and many more... And for the disgusting part would be the scorpion, insects, starfish, sea horse, and the most disgusting in the year would be the smell like drain water kind of soy cow soup... Where got ppl eat something like this??? Then the human culture there would be quite 'open' i think.. Haha.. The toilet there are all open, the ppl there spit everywhere they wan and the most annoying is the vehicles on the road keep press horn... After that, about the shopping at there is very different compare to M'sia... They have one kind of shopping mall that set up a prices very high that let the customer to bargain for the price they wan some sort of petaling streets in M'sia.. But they are in shopping mall... Then the promoter there very aggresive, they will pull u in to their shop to c thier products... It is scary at 1s, but then i think it becum normal after a while.. The most impressing thing in China is the Palace and the Great Wall of China... Incredible!!! I wonder why the people in ancient so professional?? lol... Then the weather at there was fast changing... haha.. When we reach Beijing, it was about 10-20 celcius but i think it still ok but quite cold in the nite... But when we ask the people there, they say that this is nt very cold and it wont snow in this degree... Then, the 2 days before we going bak to M'sia, the weather change in 1 day from 10-20 celcius to below 0 to -10 celcius... It was very very very cold especially when the wind come together... Whole face become frozen as ntg to cover up.. haha.. The most regret thing in China is i cant c the snow and the snow start to fall the day after we bak to M'sia... Grr... Must find a chance to go other country to c for a snow fall..