Thursday, August 20, 2009

Another break, another challenges, another life..

Sem 5, halfway of my university life... second holiday for this sem and there are still many challenges ahead which may or may not change my life... currently i already start to feel that i have fallen behind and im nt as capable as other ppl saw... i did not show any improvement and i reli tired to hang on it... now only i realize wat i actually nid which is freedom... when there are something that ties me bak i will feel tired and frustrated especially when i cant untie the knot!! The one who support me becum limited as i try to hide myself up to becum a normal person which go throughs a normal life rather than try to exceeds myself... The burden on me increasing day by day and i hope that i can release it or have some1 to share wif me as soon as possible... Where is the ppl that i have supported before, i not hoping for any things in return but i just hope that when i in needed i also got the support like i support other ppl... Hope the time past faster when i think it should past fast and past slower when it should not past fast... ish....

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Term of Best Fren

I think in my term of best fren will be different from others ppl... I think i'm quite friendly and easy to make friends if i wan to... but nt everyone i will treat as best fren... I treat every of my fren equally but i think it will be more different when come to best fren.. I think they will notice who im treating them differently as i really treat them as my best fren.. But if im the only 1 who show the committement to stay on track, how can i define it as best fren?? So the real real best fren for me are really less, which both side show the committement to be best fren.. I just only hope that u all appreciate me as ur fren even nt the best fren but nt as a tool to help u all finish the assign and work... It will make me create a barriers to everyone before i really accepted them into my life... It is suffering.. I will share all my things wif u all when i feel necessary and important and hope that u all can give me bak the same things... Unfortunately, sumtimes i realise that something that is important to me but i can only get from third party instead... Dissapointed.. In my new chapter of life, i will care only about myself.. means becuming more selfish!! I also dun wan to becum so, it is im force to become so... Im a person that look tough outside but very weak in the inside... I just hope to have some1 who reli can accompany me and share wif me all the happiness and sadness all the time.... There are not easy to find a true frens that reli treat u as frens and not a tool or something temporarily which are nt long lasting... I just hope to enjoy my life but nt create more problem in my life.. i already trying my best.. starting to feel tired in getting wat i want... really dunno what the future hold for me... I hope that i can get a friendship that is solid throughout my life...*cross finger*

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Devil on the loose!!

I nid to suffer 1 more week b4 i can really get out from the devil's hand!! Haha.. wanna know how evil the devil??? 1st, her attitude really can reach the highest level of a devil!! haha.. Even a small things she also wont do and call other ppl do... does her post really that big until can skip all the work?? 2nd, late late late and late... everyday late 10-15mins... doesn't some1 post more important then nid to reach earlier?? Y the whole fact overturn?? Normal staff reach earlier and open the whole shop and start operating while the head nt yet reach?? WTF??? Damn unfair becoz 10-15mins becum late 5 mins only when the devil write her own arrive time on the attendance card!! Where is the justice??? 3rd, alwiz act cute and thought herself very pretty... Pls help me!!! Age 30+ still wanna act cute??? Ueksss... aih.. so torture when something like this happened so often!! 4th, alwiz go 'curi tulang' on the opposite shop... Hate it when the devils go opposite shop for at least 30 mins then come bak and ask stupid question... ' Why no customer ha?'... Who the hell noe abt it?? 5th, alwiz go break more than it should be and left other ppl in hunger... Cant the devil think that besides her, there are still ppl nt yet eat and waiting their turn to eat?? 6th, say something b4 before filters it that would make other ppl unhappy... "U ownself got eye, u cant determine whether it is nice or not? What kind of opinion is this for the customer?? "Pls dont wear until my clothes break into 2" This look like a opinion that shoot the big size customer. 7th, devils are not the most powerful in the shops and pls dun try to act like one!! Means nt every order u giv we must follow.. Understand?? I will bear this devil for 1 more week.. then c how u handle it all alone!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Left 1 month!!

My sem break left approximately 1 month.... So hard to past 1 month... dunno y so boring this sem break... work oso nt very fun + tired somemore.. aih... today my last sem result out ady.. i quite satisfied wif it... but wat happened is i din not expect that the history is repeating and i fall for it unaware... *shyt* Y i so naive ha?? aih.. i swear that i wont fll for it anymore last few sem.. I will learn more tough to it!!! Now waiting for the pangkor trip, hope it will be enjoyable and i can have a gud trip before start my new sem... hehe...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Holiday fun?? Or sufferings instead??

Having sem break is gud thing or nt? For me i think it is not a gud thing.. Very lonely, boring, moody and nothing to do.. I rather the break shorter so that my problem would be lesser... Aih.. No nid find work, no nid stay at home, no nid face my laptop whole day dunno got wat do, no nid so lonely in home.... Seperating from uni frens too long really nt very comfortable, cant have fun together, cant eat together, can chit chat and play games wif each other... After each of us bak hometown we can only contact each other by msn who those got got streamyx in their home or sms. But most of my frens dun like to sms so not a gud way to build up our frenship while we are in hometown... Or izzit all people will change into another person when they bak hometown?? Hope our frenship can last forever without any drastic changes. I appreciate all the frens i have so i hope that u all treat me bak as ur best frens...I nid to bear for 1 and a half month so that can enjoy my life bak in uni.. count down to that day!! So in the meanwhile, my hometown frens all busy wif their internship/practicum or camping so i have to stay lonely in house... aih aih...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Long time no update

I think its quite some time that i havent update my blog... then i think this blog would be quite long as i will update everything i remember in my sem 4 life in uum. This is a quite a short sem that i think, becoz its nt enuf time for me to enjoy... This sem there are many thing happen to me and my fren... there are happy and sad thing happened... But all of this already past so we dont look bak on it and continue on our future... As long as we are still ourself then there are ntg big to worry... lol... Wat i sad about is when the times comes we all need to seperate to our own ways that maybe makes our relation change.. But wat i hopes for is a reunion of coz.. lol.. Who does nt hope for a love, family and friendship tat last forever and never change.. Each of tis is an important components in every1 life. Appreciate it to avoid any drastic changes to any of the components. Now i left 2 years in my university life.. Hopefully i can enjoy out of it and all the friends that i noe in my life time will remember me alwiz and help each other whenever we are in needs without care about who sacrifice more. Remember and contact with each other is also a must, as all of us are mostly from different state and hometown.. After graduate there will be lower chance to meet or have fun together except we can put out our efforts to try to meet each other no matter how busy we are!! Hope for the best!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The time must go on....

The time is going on without turning bak... There are something is changing without turning bak... There are people changing without noticing.... It seems that there are nothing that can stay forever... At least i still cant find any of it... Or is it i'm the only 1 changing??? Everytime when there are new environment or new person then there will be sometimes nt the same anymore... I'm going to be exhausted soon by keep changing to suit everything that is new... I dunno whether is im too sensitive or think too much... Time past very fast so i hope that at least friendship can last forever.... =)