Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Term of Best Fren

I think in my term of best fren will be different from others ppl... I think i'm quite friendly and easy to make friends if i wan to... but nt everyone i will treat as best fren... I treat every of my fren equally but i think it will be more different when come to best fren.. I think they will notice who im treating them differently as i really treat them as my best fren.. But if im the only 1 who show the committement to stay on track, how can i define it as best fren?? So the real real best fren for me are really less, which both side show the committement to be best fren.. I just only hope that u all appreciate me as ur fren even nt the best fren but nt as a tool to help u all finish the assign and work... It will make me create a barriers to everyone before i really accepted them into my life... It is suffering.. I will share all my things wif u all when i feel necessary and important and hope that u all can give me bak the same things... Unfortunately, sumtimes i realise that something that is important to me but i can only get from third party instead... Dissapointed.. In my new chapter of life, i will care only about myself.. means becuming more selfish!! I also dun wan to becum so, it is im force to become so... Im a person that look tough outside but very weak in the inside... I just hope to have some1 who reli can accompany me and share wif me all the happiness and sadness all the time.... There are not easy to find a true frens that reli treat u as frens and not a tool or something temporarily which are nt long lasting... I just hope to enjoy my life but nt create more problem in my life.. i already trying my best.. starting to feel tired in getting wat i want... really dunno what the future hold for me... I hope that i can get a friendship that is solid throughout my life...*cross finger*


Elynna said...

well...i understand n have the same point of view as u...frens r easily to get n best fren hard to get...
a person being selfish is hope to have more security...even it is nt good bt it is even better than u being betrayed by ppl...

MaI said...

In my opinion..
i think how u treat a person lo
if u treat the person badly
den he or she oso treat u back lo...
but i still believe that best freN really nt easy to find...

Javin Chai said...

people said,知己难寻,
some friends look good in front of you,but say your bad thing back of you...
that's I can not control.
hope you can find your best friends in the future.


~Jone~ said...

thx for all ur comments... i will try my best to search for the best fren of mine... same wif u all... ganbatte!!