Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Devil on the loose!!

I nid to suffer 1 more week b4 i can really get out from the devil's hand!! Haha.. wanna know how evil the devil??? 1st, her attitude really can reach the highest level of a devil!! haha.. Even a small things she also wont do and call other ppl do... does her post really that big until can skip all the work?? 2nd, late late late and late... everyday late 10-15mins... doesn't some1 post more important then nid to reach earlier?? Y the whole fact overturn?? Normal staff reach earlier and open the whole shop and start operating while the head nt yet reach?? WTF??? Damn unfair becoz 10-15mins becum late 5 mins only when the devil write her own arrive time on the attendance card!! Where is the justice??? 3rd, alwiz act cute and thought herself very pretty... Pls help me!!! Age 30+ still wanna act cute??? Ueksss... aih.. so torture when something like this happened so often!! 4th, alwiz go 'curi tulang' on the opposite shop... Hate it when the devils go opposite shop for at least 30 mins then come bak and ask stupid question... ' Why no customer ha?'... Who the hell noe abt it?? 5th, alwiz go break more than it should be and left other ppl in hunger... Cant the devil think that besides her, there are still ppl nt yet eat and waiting their turn to eat?? 6th, say something b4 before filters it that would make other ppl unhappy... "U ownself got eye, u cant determine whether it is nice or not? What kind of opinion is this for the customer?? "Pls dont wear until my clothes break into 2" This look like a opinion that shoot the big size customer. 7th, devils are not the most powerful in the shops and pls dun try to act like one!! Means nt every order u giv we must follow.. Understand?? I will bear this devil for 1 more week.. then c how u handle it all alone!

1 comment:

Elynna said...

everywhere oso have devils...so juz treat it as a challenge...u may even meet much more evil ppl appear in ur life...