Thursday, May 7, 2009

Long time no update

I think its quite some time that i havent update my blog... then i think this blog would be quite long as i will update everything i remember in my sem 4 life in uum. This is a quite a short sem that i think, becoz its nt enuf time for me to enjoy... This sem there are many thing happen to me and my fren... there are happy and sad thing happened... But all of this already past so we dont look bak on it and continue on our future... As long as we are still ourself then there are ntg big to worry... lol... Wat i sad about is when the times comes we all need to seperate to our own ways that maybe makes our relation change.. But wat i hopes for is a reunion of coz.. lol.. Who does nt hope for a love, family and friendship tat last forever and never change.. Each of tis is an important components in every1 life. Appreciate it to avoid any drastic changes to any of the components. Now i left 2 years in my university life.. Hopefully i can enjoy out of it and all the friends that i noe in my life time will remember me alwiz and help each other whenever we are in needs without care about who sacrifice more. Remember and contact with each other is also a must, as all of us are mostly from different state and hometown.. After graduate there will be lower chance to meet or have fun together except we can put out our efforts to try to meet each other no matter how busy we are!! Hope for the best!!

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