Sunday, May 17, 2009

Holiday fun?? Or sufferings instead??

Having sem break is gud thing or nt? For me i think it is not a gud thing.. Very lonely, boring, moody and nothing to do.. I rather the break shorter so that my problem would be lesser... Aih.. No nid find work, no nid stay at home, no nid face my laptop whole day dunno got wat do, no nid so lonely in home.... Seperating from uni frens too long really nt very comfortable, cant have fun together, cant eat together, can chit chat and play games wif each other... After each of us bak hometown we can only contact each other by msn who those got got streamyx in their home or sms. But most of my frens dun like to sms so not a gud way to build up our frenship while we are in hometown... Or izzit all people will change into another person when they bak hometown?? Hope our frenship can last forever without any drastic changes. I appreciate all the frens i have so i hope that u all treat me bak as ur best frens...I nid to bear for 1 and a half month so that can enjoy my life bak in uni.. count down to that day!! So in the meanwhile, my hometown frens all busy wif their internship/practicum or camping so i have to stay lonely in house... aih aih...


Liz said...

u sure tat if u stay wif them they won change mea?some ppl although u be wif them everyday they ll change oso...

~Jone~ said...

at least wat they change or becum i noe ma.. but if i din stick wif them after they changed, i reli dunno wat they wan or how they act ady... tats y lo..