Monday, November 17, 2008

Wakao... left 1 paper only...

Aiks... aiks... aiks.... today is the 4th paper that is ethics paper... I thought it would be easy as test 1, test2 and quiz... Who knows... it so hard o.... I think this paper is the hardest in all the 4th paper i already took... *sob* *sob*... I thought this was my only A that i can get for this sem... Now my hope crashed ady le... Who ask me dun study harder in 1 day time!!! Regret ady lo... Now the another dangerous paper coming, that is my last paper account!! Brain cell also die half ady becoz of the account le... C until 8 eyes... 2 days to prepare only.... But that was my last paper... Once the exam over then i shud be very happy coz can go bak home ady lo.. then after few days i'm going to China lo... Haha... now dunno wan to think about the trip or the account paper... Hehe...

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