Sunday, November 2, 2008

Exam Periods...

Aih... when says about the exam periods, it is so suffering for me... Everyday wake up at around 11am++.. The 1st thing i do everyday is watch a movie 1st before start my revision for exams.... haha... looks relaxing... but after that i will start my study till around 2pm++ only i will go for my lunch... After a 30-45 minute lunch break i will either watch a movie or study depends on my mood at that time.... Keep on studying on my slides, tips and notes in the book until around 6-7pm to go for my dinner... Same wif lunch time, it will takes around 30-45minutes and i will be bak to my room to continue my studies... In the nite time, i will watch movie once i feel sleepy to make myself more awake to continue my studies... Every nite i will sleep at around 2-3am... I will be going to hav this kind of life for this whole examination periods... It is so boring and uninteresting... Gosh, thats y i'm so stress and suffer!! I alwiz wonder why this word 'examination' appears in this world?? It brings so many unhappiness to the student!! Physically and mentally torture for me... 1 month i'm going to live in this kind of life, i really rather got some1 take my life away.... ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

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