Saturday, October 25, 2008

Release my tension..

I had to back hometown although the final exam are just around the corner because of the feels over the University are very stressful... Every1 are studying till midnite and doing their own revision... Because of i have quite enuf time to study my final and im broke, so i gone bak to hometown and find a work to support myself... So i work in cinema which i worked at there before when the sem 2 break... At there although the salary is low but i still choose to work at there because the colleauges there are very nice and fun to be with... It can decrease the stress and tension that im having in the examination periods.... The works at there are not very tiring and it was quite interesting and entertaining... hehe... Furthermore, the manager and asst. manager at there are very friendly and a good leader... So with the working environment that is so good and comfortable, y dont i go bak to release my tension and stress??

Yesterday was my 1st day going bak there work and there was some funny thing happened... The story start wif i was wearing the white shirt which is nt the ccompany uniform because now im consider as new staff... hehe.. Then i was assign to work in the ticket box which i need to sell ticket to the customers.. At that time there was 3 people inside include me and im sitting the center counter... When i start selling ticket, i was quite familiar with the thing inside as i got worked at there before but the another 2 staff didn't noe about that.... They thought that im a new staff as im nt wearing the uniform... Then after a while, 1 staff feels weird and ask me when is my 1st day start working in cinema?? Then i answer him today... Then he ask who taught me all the prosedures in the ticket box.. Then i burst in laughing and tell him that actually im an old staff and thats y i noe everything about ticket box...It was very funny and i was very happy coz i knew more new frens as there are many new staff that i havent see before...

Although i noe that the frens that i noe from there wont be so long lasting but at least some of us are still contacting with each other through sms.. Frens are easy to find but hard to maintain the realtionship... This also makes me stressful sometimes... Besides thinking of my own thing, nid to care about my frens also especially they are having problems... This is because i care for everyone so i will take it as my own problems oso.... Hope that after my few days work before final exam can help me release some tension and stress so that i can do my revision more better and comfortable to get a gud result this sem... Gambate to everyone who are having the final exam!! Dun giv up!!!

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