Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Highest point ever...

Walao this sem i think i have broke my record... I get the highest point of stress... Aw... What is stress?? Stress is a pyschological response to demands for which there is something at stake and coping with those demands taxes and resources exceeds a person's capacity and resources. That means im having a serious time wif stress... First, i was so stress is because this sem i'm doing very badly in every paper and getting a very low carry marks... Really no eye to c already... Then the 2nd factors is not enuf money.... This sem my ptptn very less due to the deduction for the RM1500 and i nid to go to China.... Really everyday nid to eat roti already... Only this 2 factors enuf for me to kill myself... just kidding.. haha... Tats y after the classes ended i go bak to hometown to work part time to get extra income while studying for my final... Walao... stress hor?? If this sem i got bad result then u all will c me in a different person... i dunno what i will become and i what i gonna do....

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