Friday, October 10, 2008

Starting of my blog....

Today 11 October 2008 was the 1st day i created my blog here and going to write my 1st blog in here... To start my blog i would like to write something about me 1st... hehe... i think some of my personality u all can c through the about me section... But im going to go in detail in this blog... I'm quite a shy person and i will only going to talk with some1 after i know that person after some time. Im a person who are waiting for frens to come and very less i going to have the initiative to know some1. And the most important thing is im a person who appreciate every frens i ever had even i have lost contact with some of them. I will remember their name and face. But, i also got some1 that i dislike and i will stay far away from them. Sometimes i will show it out clearly because im some1 who are forgiving but i wont forget. So u all dun do something behind me oh!! Haha.... I hate when other people say something or do something behind me and act ntg happen in front of me... Besides, i also hate people lie to me and give me the chance to know that they lie to me!! Its hurt.... Sometimes, i also feel that im very weak as i'm a person who alwiz dun have decision and let other ppl make decision. Thats mean im a follower which dun have my own opinion and i will run away from difficulties whenever i face problem... Then, from my experiences, i think im a gud listener but im not a gud decision maker as i can listen to other people problems, happiness, worries and many more but when they nid my opinion, i cant give any gud opinion that can help them to solve their problem... Im sorry about that... Btw, sometimes im very sensitive that even they did not voive out their problem, i also can guess it out when i feel something wrong. I trust my feel and sense as there are high percentage i guess it right though my feeling based on my experiences... Lastly, im not a hardworking person and i have STML ( short term memory loss) problem... Im worrying about my working time in the future coz this is a serious problem for me to work... aih... Wat u all think about me?? U all can comment about me.... TQ...

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