Tuesday, October 21, 2008

UUM Life...

Time past very fast and i now already in sem 3... Today was my last day class in sem 3 and that means im going to have my final and entering the sem 4 life in UUM... What have i learned in UUM?? Wow.... that was alot that i had learned... I learned about my own course... lol... I learned about human principles, how to make frens, socialize with others and even how to makes my life more colourful... Before i enter University life, i really was a shy and not a talkative person, thats y i have limited frens... But once i enter Uni life, every person i meet, they will say im a talkative person and there are 0% that im a shy person... lol... Actually i will only become friendly once i knew some1 long and then i will only become talkative.. haha... I think i have opened myself to get to know more frens to make my life colourful... Now, i have many gangs, family, best frens and frens in UUM... Firstly is my UUM family, i have 2 bro who is 1 tai lou and 1 ah kor. I appreciate them for their help and we share our problems and happiness together... Then, is my yes yes gang... I'm very happy to know all of u which we all can really share our secret, happiness and sadness together... After that is chung chung gang... I think tis sem we are less together but i also wont forget u all.. I still remember our meeting every night in the sem 2, it was a fun meeting i ever had in UUM... haha.. Then follow by my best fren... There was too much of it.. For example, lychee gang, room 220, frino, nick, lao tham, chew and many more... We go vacation together, play together, do assignment together, joined activities together... Really a gud experience for me... Then last but not least will be all my frens... Without u all, i also cant write my blog so long.... I hope i can get more and more frens in the last 4 sem in UUM... Gambateh!!!

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